Planning your trip

Sat 15 Feb

Patcham is not far away like, say, Patagonia. Admittedly Patagonia has mountains and lovely views; but Patcham has convenience and lovely science. Click on the map to see how easy it is to get to us. Many more useful tips on this page include cafes and a convenience store, conveniently nearby.

Taste Buddies

Sat 15 Feb

Finding out about flavour is the aim of this session. We explore how it is not just our tongues that  help us taste and that some of the other senses are actively involved, from eyes, tongue and  olfactory this is one tasty workshop. We will all make some fizzy sherbet to take home!  (note that tasting is involved!)

Sessions: 10.30am, 2.30pm.
£8 per child (adults and under 7s go free).

Kitchen Cupboard Chemistry

Sun 16 Feb

Discover the secrets of the everyday chemicals in your kitchen. Make glue from skimmed milk! Release oxygen from washing powder, carbon dioxide from cake mixture and hydrogen from lemon juice and find out how to identify these gases. These hands-on science sessions are presented by Terry Page from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Sessions: 12.30pm, 2.30pm. Suitable for ages 7-12.
£5 per child (adults and under 7s go free).

Climate Science for Kids

Mon 17 Feb

The weather is always in the news. What is ‘extreme weather’, why are there wild fires, floods and hurricanes? What can we do about it? We will be answering these urgent questions with fun games and clear visuals, explaining the science in ways a child can understand. We’ll also delve into the psychology of how we got here, while offering tips on what can we do to make a difference.

Drop in: 10.00am – 4.00pm. Suitable for all ages.
£5 per child (adults and under 7s go free).

The INCREDIBLE machine

Tues 18 Feb

Don’t let Gravity get you down! Richard Robinson reveals the invisible force that makes everything possible. You can’t shake off Gravity and its mates Force, Momentum and Friction, but you can harness, train and use them. You will learn to do many tricks with them, and at the end you will be able to run the Incredible Machine.

Sessions: 10.30am, 2.30pm. Suitable for ages 7+.
£5 per child (adults and under 7s go free).

Spring into Science

Weds 19 Feb

A science show for the time or year with, of course, a lot of springs, catapults, and a possible death-defying stunt, to spell-bind our younger sensation-seekers. From the man who brought you Science Magic/Magic Science comes a stream of seasonal show-stoppers! Astounding demos, strange noises, things flying around the room and, of course, the robots.

Shows: 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm.
£5 per person (children must be accompanied by adults).

Amazing Space!

Thurs 20 Feb

Amazing things are happening out there in space. But all we know is what we see: we can’t hear, or touch or smell it. So we have found a million ways to see it better. Julie will explain and demonstrate what’s going on and how we know. Richard and Jonathan will also show what fun can be had with light here on Earth, before your very eyes!

Sessions: 10.30am, 12.30pm. Suitable for ages 7+.
£5 per child (adults and under 7s go free).

Pocket Science Funfair

Fri 21 Feb

The Pocket Science Funfair is a travelling roadshow full of hands-on activities for kids. Each stall offers a puzzle or a challenge, with a little bit of science thrown in. You’ll play funfair games, solve optical illusions and construct Rube Goldberg machines. Parents are encouraged to join in, and our team will be on hand to help explain the facts behind the fun.

Drop in: 10.00am – 4.00pm. Suitable for ages 7+.
£5 per child (adults and under 7s go free).


Sat 22 Feb

Science can be magical: science can be musical. Richard Robinson does magic with science, Amelia Armande does magic with words. John Hinton does magical music. In Hocus-Pocus we will learn magic tricks that tell stories about the world. Why does the toast always land butter-side down? Why are bubbles never square? Why-oh-why-oh-why are rainbows? … Find out, learn the magic, tell a story.

Session: 11.00am. Suitable for ages 7+, and parents. (This is a family game!)
£5 per child (adults and under 7s go free).

There is a connection between  Hocus-Pocus and John Hinton’s  song-writing workshop, at 12.30 HERE: Both involve finding the right words to suit an idea! Why not try both?

In the break between these shows Richard Robinson will be be demonstrating  66 Impossible Things (click)  at 12.00-12.30 and also at 1.30-2.00 (free)


Science Songwriting with John Hinton

Sat 22 Feb

Award-winning science-singer-songwriter John Hinton (of Ensonglopedia fame) will share his top tips for lyrics. Write a line; make it rhyme. Soon you’ll do it all the time.   No musical or scientific knowledge necessary.

It’s a 1hr session at 12.30pm   Suitable for ages 7-12.
Ticket: Donations – Pay what you can, with donations going to Ensonglopedia, a registered charity (recommended donation £5.00)

There is a connection between John’s (and your) song-writing workshop and Hocus-Pocus (click)  before, at 11.00am: Both involve finding the right words to suit an idea! Why not try both?

During the 30 minute break and after the workshop, Richard Robinson will be demonstrating 66 Impossible Things (click)  ie at 12.00-12.30 and 1.30-2.00 (free)

66 Impossible things

Sat 22 Feb

The impossible things are MAGIC, and therefore only impossible until you learn a little SCIENCE; then they’re easy.  So that’s what happens: kids get to pick up a cool trick, and some useful science slips in stealthily. It’s a win-win.

66 Impossible things will be inserted into the impossibly small gap* between Hocus Pocus and John Hinton, totally free

*Maybe only 65.7 impossible things

All roads lead to Patcham!


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