Welcome to the circus. Our mission: to jokify science. Science is fun, so long as you keep the words simple.
OK, ‘jokify’ takes some translating*…
ARE WE NEARLY HERE YET? Well, are we? Find out on ZOOM, in your own room, with as many as you can squeeze in front of the screen. The price for all this knowledge is £13.78 – just £1 per billion years, per screen. Suitable for 8-13s and parents.
12 sessions over 12 Wednesdays, at 2.00pm, March 5 – May 21
The impossible things are MAGIC, which, as we all know, is impossible, unless you learn a little SCIENCE. So that’s what happens: kids get to pick up a cool trick, and some useful knowledge slips in as well. Science by stealth! Come one, come all to the premier, In the Science Centre, Oxford, Sunday October 20th. And then? Well, Oxford is a very interesting tourist attraction. Or you can book it for your school or party. Write to Richard@BrightonScience.com.
Perk-Up Page
Ongoing delights – The Perk-Up Page is awake day and night all year around, with (and I counted them) over 2,000 science curiosities, conundrums, surprises, factoids, challenges, experiments, discoveries, and so on and on and on, scrolling down to the centre of the Earth.