Hello and welcome! Currently we are wrangling life, the universe, and everything (as one does daily when one is a science guy) in the form of Are We Nearly Here Yet?

For more parochial delights, why not become curious about “66 Impossible Things Before Breakfast“, a brand new stand-up science act. No publicity as such, yet, because We Are not quite Nearly Here Yet, and we only have one pair of hands. Get in touch (Richard@BrightonScience.com) to receive updates in our newsletter.

Perk-Up Page

Ongoing delights – The Perk-Up Page is awake day and night all year around, with (and I counted them) over 2,000 science curiosities, conundrums, surprises, factoids, challenges, experiments, discoveries, and so on and on and on, scrolling down to the centre of the Earth.

Click on the pic. below

Looking back:


For nine days a thousand people had fun – serious fun – in the Patcham 44th scout hut

Click on the pic for a video of the week (2 mins)

Helping kids understand climate science … Helping kids understand codingĀ 

Creating crazy chemistry in the kitchen … Facing freaky phenomena with the physicist

Making helicopters in paper … Making an asteroid in the Scout Hut

Taking apart incredible tech … Putting together an Incredible Machine

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